Thursday, October 2, 2014

Marc and Bekah Clements


Had dinner at Marc and Bekah Clements'.

Marc came and picked me up at 17:30. And he could not get over the fact that I was 30 years old, and pregnant. He repeatedly told me that I should be 3 years old, cause he still had vivid memories of me when I was 3. I wasn't sure if I wanted him to share those memories with me or not, surely it was going to be emberrasing.....

We got to their house, and Anderson, Parker, and Winn were there waiting. Anderson was SOOO tall! I saw him 2 years ago, and it felt like I hadn't seen him for 10years! He is 13. I looked at Marc, told him "You think I should be 3, and you have a freakishly tall 13year old son........". Parker was as sweet as usual. smiling, and being a happy boy. His smile always melts my heart. Winn. O my gosh, 2 years ago, he was barely making sounds, and now she just can't stop talking!! She wanted to explain everything, wanted to be involved in every single conversation, even though she had no idea what we were talking about. It was hilarious!!

Bekah made some mean coconut chicken, potatoes, and dinner was just heavenly. I need that recipi. I made her promise she would feed me again. haha.

Bekah had to leave for a meeting after dinner, so she took off, and the kids started to play outside, so we watched them go up and down the street with the trike, scooter, and a tiny little bike. They were just giggling, running around, so fun to watch!

I thought I took pictures, but I just can't find them......

It got a little chilly, so Marc and I went inside and just kept on talking and talking and talking. It was a very nice night.

I need to go back there real soon!!!

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